Do you struggle with grades? If yes, then this article is for you! It takes some effort to deal with the stress and troubles students encounter everyday, and it always helps to see suggestions for an upgrade to your study routine. Here are 7 study tips to improve your academic performance.
1. Plan in advance
Get a new journal. Start writing down everything you want to do for the entire week. Write down all the upcoming assignments, events and goals you have, and make a to-do list for the next day. This way, you won’t forget anything, and it helps you waste less time!
2. Do something every day
Midterms are one of the hardest times of the school year. All the homework piles up, there are tests for every subject, and several essays to write. You don't do anything throughout the week, put things off saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” then the last day comes, and you have three long essays to write… To avoid this problem, try doing something every day, even if it’s simply writing a thesis for the essay due next week or studying a few chapters for the upcoming test in a couple of days.
3. Find a method that best works for you
Researchers have discovered various methods that help students study more effectively. It could be writing down questions on unclear topics, taking notes, or using flashcards to memorize and revise. Not all of these techniques work for every student. Thus it’s important to find the one that suits you the best and stick with it.
4. Turn off your phone
Today’s main source of distraction is phones. We spend most of our time scrolling through social media, procrastinating all the homework piled up on the desk. The obvious solution to this problem is turning off your phone, which seems pretty hard, doesn’t it? But by being away from your phone, you can focus on studying without any distractions.

5. Study space
A cluttered environment leads to procrastination and unproductivity. Looking at the messiness takes attention away from doing the actual work. It sets a chaotic atmosphere, thus resulting in a negative mood. Organizing your study space will help you maintain concentration and improve your mood.
6. Listen to music
Studies suggest that as well as having an organized workspace, listening to music helps with concentration and deeper thinking. Try listening to calm music while studying, and see if it helps you concentrate better.
7. Sleep schedule
A lack of sleep leads to a lack of concentration. Getting less than 8 hours of sleep can make one tired, unfocused, disoriented which affects academic performance negatively. Try fixing your sleep schedule to be more productive and energized during the day!
Hopefully, this article helped. Following some of these tips, like turning off your phone and going to bed early, might seem hard, but it’s better for your own health!
Edited by Natalia Rakviashvili