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Kitsi Bakhtadze

Hallelujah! We Are Back! - The First Week of School

After the never-ending break, students finally had an opportunity to visit the school again as a class. On February fifteenth starting from Monday being eighth grade to Friday being Seniors. Considering students had to continually wear a mask and follow regulations, it was not a regular school day. Students got to spend time in their advisories, discuss future plans and then all of them had a nice walk at Lisi Lake. For some grades, the walk to Lisi was even more special, because it snowed.

Some students were interviewed about their experiences and reactions to this week. Ninth-grader Natashka Nakaidze responded, “I really liked the meeting we had on Tuesday. The discussions went smoothly and the topics we discussed were interesting. I got to see my friends and classmates which was very fun. I also got to get to know my advisor better, which was a helpful experience. Overall it was nice!”. An eleventh-grader Iviko Sakvarelidze gives a positive response about his visit to the school on Thursday. “I personally really enjoyed coming to school last week. I got to see my friends who I missed a lot, I got to see some of the teachers and I got to see the snowy school, which is a rare sight for me. Overall the experience gave me hope that we are closer to going back to normal life from pandemic restrictions and allowed me to socialize with my classmates,” says Iviko.

The same goes with the tenth-grader Nanuka Sturua, who visited the school on Wednesday with her class. “Upon stepping into the school, this feeling of familiarity hit me, and I realized just how much I had missed coming here. I was honestly terrified of going back to live lessons because I was so accustomed to being at home and attending classes from there. I thought it would be tough to participate in class discussions like I used to in the past however, my assumptions proved to be wrong, and I very much enjoyed my first day back to school. All four lessons which I had that day turned out to be way more interesting in the actual classroom than on Zoom. I discovered my newfound love for chemistry because the experiment teacher showed us was very interesting and more fun than what we would normally do online. During every lesson, participation in class was way easier on the actual lesson rather than on Zoom. To sum up, I really liked coming back to school, I miss it very much, and I hope that we go back to normal soon.”

Overall, school visits turned out to be successful. Hopefully, as the weeks go, the students will be able to get more and more time at school. Or else, if students get mad Protestor’s clash into the White House is what the school’s going to dream of. Just kidding... or not.

Edited by Keta Tavartkiladze


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