It’s been a long year, and I’ve just about had it with people who say they're rebelling against masks. They’re not rebels, they are spoiled brats. Yes, masks make you think you can’t breathe, fog up your glasses, and are super uncomfortable, but it’s for your own and other’s safety. It’s about the minimum required to be a good person.
Wearing a mask limits your possibility of getting infected. It may seem silly, that a piece of fabric over your face holds so much importance, but it does. At a time of a global pandemic affecting millions of human beings, all precautions must be taken. Even the simplest things determine major outcomes.
At the beginning of the virus, it wasn’t required to wear a mask. At that time, experts didn't know the extent to which people with COVID-19 could spread the virus before symptoms appeared. They also were concerned about health workers not having enough masks and nor was it fully understood that some people have COVID-19 but don't have any symptoms. These discoveries led public health groups to include face masks in their requirements for slowing the spread of the virus. It is now common knowledge around the world. Yet some people insist they don’t have to.

By now everyone has seen a video of a “Karen” arguing with a store employee about wearing a mask. We look around the market, and see most of the customers wearing mouth guards, nobody said to wear a mouth guard, it’s a FACE mask!
Many argue, without evidence, that masks don’t do anything, and refuse to wear them. They are more dangerous than a simple village idiot, trying to prove a silly point. because they are putting all of society and most especially vulnerable people at risk. Most of us wear cloth masks. They are intended to trap droplets that are released when the wearer talks, coughs or sneezes. Countries that required masks and social distancing early on, successfully slowed the spread of the virus. This “piece of fabric” has the potential to save your life.
We’ve all heard the, “I can’t breathe in this”, “it’s giving me a headache”. Well fun fact, it’s a psychological myth. You can breathe, and I can prove it, just go to sleep wearing a mask. You’ll wake up in the morning just fine.
If you don’t care about your own health, at least respect the ones of others. People work all day long in public places to care for their families and serve you. Appreciate restaurant servers and the health risks they've been taking to put food on their tables, as well as ours. The least you can do is wear a mask.

For a clear example. Trump the superspreader, made fun of Biden for wearing a mask. A few days later, guess who tested positive for covid. Because of his poor mask requirements, he is probably the reason for the super spreader event in Washington. I quote he said, “ I’m immune, I feel so powerful”
Let’s take a turn to Georgia. Just a few months ago our country had beaten Covid to a standstill. The infection numbers were way down, things were nearly back to normal, everything was relaxed, restaurants and hotels reopened and things felt like they were okay. Summer ended and we were hit with another wave that began in Adjara. Now we’re at the worst point we’ve ever been, more infections, more deaths, and chaos. Everyone must be careful, we must take all precautions and care for our and other people’s health.
Our school GZAAT couldn’t reopen. After six months of no physical school, we still didn’t get a chance to sit in a real classroom. This situation has affected us, the students, to meet each other and socialize. Although, the outings that the school arranged have helped us see each other as more than avatars on a screen. Next week we’re coming into school to make our Georgian presentations. These safe gatherings will happen every now and then, so we get to know each other, the teachers, and the environment. Of course, all precautions are taken seriously.
I was told personally by a former high ranking government official, that the current government made the politically necessary (perhaps) but disastrous decision to allow dozens if not hundreds of Russian vehicles into Georgia at the Kazbegi border station, who then went straight into the villas in Adjara without doing a 2-week quarantine in a hotel. As did incomers from every other country in the world. Bringing in people from high covid Russia was a terrible idea. Whether or not this is true, or how true it is, someone obviously made a mistake of some kind that allowed the virus into Georgia.
On August 31st we had 18 cases. It is now October 22, we have 1,595 cases. And things are getting worse by the day. PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS AND WEAR A MASK. Every little precaution can make a huge difference. The reason Taiwan and Japan have incredibly low infection rates is because they have 100 percent mask-wearing compliance.
How to wear a cloth face mask:
Wash or sanitize your hands before and after putting on and taking off your mask.
Place your mask over your mouth and nose.
Tie it behind your head or use ear loops and make sure it's snug.
Don't touch your mask while wearing it.
If you accidentally touch your mask, wash or sanitize your hands.
If your mask becomes wet or dirty, switch to a clean one. Put the used mask in a sealable bag until you can wash it.
Remove the mask by untying it or lifting off the ear loops without touching the front of the mask or your face.
Wash your hands immediately after removing your mask.
Regularly wash your mask with soap and water by hand or in the washing machine. It's fine to launder it with other clothes.
If you wear disposable masks, throw them away after one use.
Edited by: Natalia Rakviashvili