On the 25th of October, the Class of 2022 field trip took place. The tour was organized in an unprecedented manner because of the pandemic situation. The seniors were separated into three groups that were assigned randomly each with a distinct destination: Tana(Ateni Sioni Church), Rkoni, and Samshvilde. Some of them shared a bus with juniors of our school. In addition, each group had a few teachers as supervisors and leaders. Students had mixed feelings towards the event.
Sandro Obgaidze, a 12th grader who was a member of the group which traveled to Samshvilde, expressed his view: “I believe joining seniors and juniors in groups wasn't a good idea. Even though the previous had noble intentions of reestablishing the lost unity of our school. Despite being in a single group the juniors and seniors still mostly isolate themselves from each other. I would've liked to have seen larger groups of seniors instead of the mixed groups. On the other hand, I was impressed by Keti Sturua's commentary on Samshvilde as it offered us deep insight into our lesser-known past.”

Sandro’s critical sentiment was shared by other students too. Sandro Kobakhidze from the excursion to Rkoni evaluated the trip in the following manner: “The field trip that was provided by the school was fun but also had its flaws. The nature that we saw while we were there was fascinating and the trails we passed were pretty interesting as well. It was fun and in the end, it left good memories, however, I think that management for the groups before could have been better. I did not go to a location that I wanted or the people that I wanted. I would also like for the hikes to be longer and harder roads to go to as I think it is more fun. Ultimately, I had fun.”

It seems like the students who participated in the field trip to Tana enjoyed their experience the most. Andro Janashia, one of the prefects, has this to say about the voyage to the historic location: “Considering the circumstances, it was a good field trip in the end. But it would have been much better if we had been able to choose our destination. For example, I personally had been to Ateni twice before, so the trip wasn't as interesting. But we had a great time eating and playing games in the comforts of a guesthouse when the weather turned worse.”

In short, the organizational aspect of the event caused a lot of criticism from students. However, the people still enjoyed the field trip to some extent. In the isolated lifestyle of the pandemic, journeys like this are what bring some spark to the dull students’ routines.
Edited By Beqa Ramishvili